

  • 性别:
  • 聘任技术职务:教授
  • 学历:博士研究生毕业
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:fliu@shnu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:
  • 部门:数理学院
  • 学位:理学博士学位
  • 毕业院校:复旦大学
  • 办公地址:



2008年毕业于复旦大学物理系2012年赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学材料科学系进行博士后研究,毕业至今任职于上海师范大学,2016年晋升教授职称,从事物理学、天文学教学、科研工作。其中,2014-2017年任物理系副主任,物理系实验中心主任;2017-2021年任数理学院副院长。2022起任上海师范大学分析测试与超算中心主任。到目前为止,共发表SCI论文80余篇,引用超2000次,获国家发明专利10项;主要工作包括:a、作为发起人之一和主要参与者,建立上海市“一带一路”亚毫米天文国际联合实验室,负责亚毫米波探测技术及团队建设;负责LCT亚毫米天文望远镜接收机的调试、维护、改造和升级工作;主要进行NbNbN超导薄膜及超导隧道结的制备;230/460345/650 GHz超导混频器和双边带接收机、单边带接收机的研制;b、领导完成上海师范大学3米射电望远镜及台站的建设工作,进行银河系中性氢和脉冲星探测;c、进行了自然结构色的机理研究及光学仿生系列工作,论文发表于Phys. Rev. E, Opt. Express, 以及J. Opt.等杂志,研究结果受到Nature China的专题报道;d、系统开展了石墨烯光学、光电耦合方面的工作,研究结果发表于Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Express等杂志,研究结果被ACS Nano等杂志以插图形式报道引用。主持国家自然科学基金重点专项、面上项目,联合项目,青年项目,上海市重大项目,重点项目、上海市自然科学基金以及上海市教委创新等项目,同时还参与国家自然科学联合基金重点项目以及多项上海市重大项目。担任ACS Nano, Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Express, J. Opt等主流物理学SCI期刊审稿人。






1. F. Liu, H. Yin, B. Dong, Y. Qing, L. Zhao, S. Meyer, X. Liu, J. Zi, and B. Chen, “Inconspicuous structural coloration in the elytra of beetles Chlorophila obscuripennis (Coleoptera) ,” Phys. Rev. E 77, 012901 (2008).

2. F. Liu, B. Dong, X. Liu, Y. Zheng, and J. Zi, “Structural color change in longhorn beetle Tmesisternus isabellae,” Opt. Express 17, 16183-16191 (2009).

3. F. Liu, G. Wang, L. Jiang, and B. Dong, “Structural colouration and optical effects in the wings of Papilio peranthus,” J. Opt. 12065301 (2010).

4. F. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Huang, X. Hu, B. Dong, W. Shi, Y. Xie, and X. Ye, “Replication of homologous optical and hydrophobic features by templating wings of butterflies Morpho menelaus,” Opt. Commun. 84, 2376-2381 (2011).

5. F. Liu, B. Dong, F. Zhao, X. Hu, X. Liu, J. Zi, “Ultranegative angular dispersion of diffraction in quasiordered biophotonic structures,” Opt. Express 19, 7750-7755 (2011).

6. F. Liu, W. Shi, X. Hu, and B. Dong, “Hybrid structures and optical effects in Morpho scales with thin and thick coatings using an atomic layer deposition method,” Opt. Commun. 291, 416-423 (2013).

7. F. Liu and E.Cubukcu, “Tunable omnidirectional strong light-matter interactions mediated by graphene surface plasmons,” Phys. Rev. B 88, 115439 (2013).

8. H. Yin, X. Zhao, C. Song, L. Chen, W. Shi, and F. Liu*, “Enhanced broadband and wide-angle light-graphene interactions in visible wavelengths assisted by nanoporous gold structure,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 201103 (2014).

9. C. Song, F. Liu*, H. Yin, X. Hu, Y. Zhang, and X. Liu, “Multilayer manipulated diffraction in the flower beetle Torynorrhina flammea: intraspecific structural colouration variation,” J. Opt. 16(10), 105302 (2014).

10. F. Liu, L. Chen, Q. Guo, J. Chen, X. Zhao, and W. Shi, “Enhanced graphene absorption and linewidth sharpening enabled by Fano-like geometric resonance at near-infrared wavelengths,” Opt. Express 23, 21097-21106 (2015).

11 X. Zhao, W. Shi, H Mu, H. Xie, and F. Liu*, “Templated bicontinuous Tin oxide thin film fabrication and the NO2 gas sensing,” J. Alloys Comp. 659, 60-65 (2016).

12. F. Liu, T. Zhan, Alexzander Y. Zhu, F. Yi, and W. Shi, “Band structure and dispersion engineering of strongly coupled plasmon-phonon-polaritons in graphene-integrated structures,” Opt. Express 24, 1480-1494 (2016).

13. X. Zhao, L. Chen, J. Chen, W. Shi, and F. Liu*, 'Color-tunable emission of quantum dots via strong exciton-plasmon coupling in nanoporous gold structure at room temperature', Opt. Express 24 20219-20227(2016).

14. J. Chen, X. Li, X. Shi, C. Fan, M. Tuhtasun, X. He, W. Shi, and F. Liu*,Active control of light slowing enabled by coupling electromagnetic metamaterials with low-lossy graphene”, Opt. Lett. 43, 4891-4894 (2018).

15. B. Yan, X. Chen, L. Zhu, W. Pan, L. Wang, L. Yue, X. Zhang, L. Han, F. Liu*, S. Wang, and J. Shao*, 'Bismuth-induced band-tail states in GaAsBi probed by photoluminescence', Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 052104 (2019).

16. D. Liu, L. Chen*, X. Wu, F. Liu*, 'Terahertz composite plasmonic slabs based on double-layer metallic gratings', Opt. Express 28 18212-18223 (2020).

17. B. Zhao, L. Zhu, L. Sun, S. Wang, J. Lu, J. Zhang, Q. Han, H. Dong*, B. Tang,  B. Zhou, F. Liu*, X. Shen, W. Lu, 'Strong fluorescence blinking of large-size all-inorganic perovskite nano-spheres', Nanotechnology 31,215204 (2020).

18. D. Liu, F. Wu, R. Yang, L. Chen, X. He, and F. Liu*, 'Quasi-bound states in the continuum in metal complementary periodic cross-shaped resonators at terahertz frequencies', Opt. Lett. 46 4370-4373 (2021).

19. Xi Shi*, L. Ge, B. Liu, H. Xu, D. Cao, and F.Liu*, 'Optical metasurface composed of multiple antenna with anti-Hermitian coupling in a single layer'Opt. Lett.46 2252-2255 (2021).

21. Y. Zhao, J. Cao, D. Liu, X. Shi*, and F. Liu*, 'Achieving High Transmission and Q Bragg Filter via Balancing Dissipation and Radiation Loss', IEEE Photon. J. 13 2200105(2021).

22. F. Liu, B. Dong, and X. Liu, Optical Devices in Communication and Computation (Chapter 6: 'Bio-Inspired Photonic Structures: Prototypes, Fabricataions and Devices'), Intech, 2012, ISBN 978-953-51-0763-7.


  • [1] 刘锋.上海市自然科学基金:混合结构颜色的仿生研究,结题.
  • [2] 刘锋,谢东珠,林方婷,胡志娟.国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目):生物体“超负角色散”现象及结构色研究,结题.
  • [3] 刘锋.上海市基础研究重点项目(合作):基于傅立叶光学的显微角分辨瞬态光谱仪,结题.
  • [4] 刘锋.国家自然科学基金(联合资助基金项目):基于石墨烯场效应管的太赫兹天文探测器研究,结题.
  • [5] 刘锋.“科技创新行动计划”“一带一路”国际合作项目:应用于LCT亚毫米波接收机的傅里叶变换光谱系统关键技术研究,在研.
  • [6] 刘锋.上海市中央引导地方科技发展基金项目:亚毫米天文望远镜外差接收系统,在研.
  • [7] 刘锋.国家自然科学基金(面上项目):面向LCT望远镜的345GHz亚毫米波边带分离接收机研制及其关键技术研究,在研.
  • [8] 刘锋.国家自然科学基金(专项项目):面向多任务的LCT亚毫米波接收机关键技术,在研.





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