

  • Gender:female
  • Appointment Post:Associate Professor
  • Academic Credentials:
  • Tel:
  • Email:xmqin@shnu.edu.cn
  • Address:100 Guilin RD,
  • Department:College of Mathematics and Science
  • Degree:Ph.D
  • Graduate School:IOP, CAS
  • Office Location:Building 10, Room 437

Research Direction

Research Direction:


The Development of  Solar Cell Material and Devices.

The Fabrication and Properties of Functional Materials for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (especially under high pressure and multi-external field).

Academic Achievement

Academic Achievement:

Previous Research and Achievements

October 2016 – October 2017 APS (Advanced Photon Source) at Argonne National Lab, USA.

The properties of strongly correlated systems compounds under high pressure using DAC and Synchrotron Radiation techniques.

September 2006 – Present

The Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Material and Device, Mathematics & Science College, Shanghai Normal University

My research mainly focused on the fabrication and properties under high pressure and multi-external field for strongly correlated systems compounds; The material fabrication, structural design and properties for solar cell.

June 2005 – August 2006,

Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, U.S.A.

My research mainly focused on the High Pressure Properties (Elastic, Structural and phase transition) for Minerals and Superhard Materials (including High pressure Ultrasonic using Large Volume Press, high pressure Raman and XRD using Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) etc.)

·The Compression Behavior of WC and WC-6%Co up to 50 GPa Determined by Synchrotron Powder Diffraction and Ultrasonic Techniques.

·The Compression Behavior of Borosilicate and Starphire glasses up to 50 GPa Determined by high pressure Raman study using DAC and Ultrasonic Techniques using Large Volume Press.

Sep. 2002 – June 2005

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

My research mainly focused on the high-pressure synthesis and in-situ property of new copper oxide compounds for strongly correlated electron systems.

  • The nearly single-phase sample of CuBa2Ca3Cu4O10+d (shortening in Cu-1234) and Cu-1223 superconductors, as well as infinite-layer CaCuO2 compounds, were synthesized under high temperature and high pressure using cubic-anvil high-pressure apparatus.

  • First indicated that the superconducting transition temperature Tc of Cu-1234 can be enhanced continuously from 116K at ambient pressure reaching to 124 K at 15 GPa by in-situ high pressure experiments using a screw type diamond anvil cell.

  • By In situ high-pressure energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation, the results show that the crystal structure of CuBa2Ca3Cu4O10+d remains stable under pressure up to 34GPa, and the bulk modulus of 152GPa was obtained.

  • The annealing effect at N2 or Ar gas flow on Tc for as-prepared Cu-1234 and Cu-1223 was investigated.

  • The p-type and n-type doped infinite-layer compounds Ca1-xRxCuO2 (R=Li, Na Y, Nd) with the different carrier concentration were successfully prepared under high temperature and high-pressure.

  • The structural and electrical properties of infinite layer CaCuO2 under high pressure were studied using a diamond anvil cell (DAC) by In situ high-pressure energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation and by simultaneous resistance and electrical capacitance measurements. The equation of state and bulk modulus of 181GPa were obtained, and the electronic structural transition was observed around 10GPa.

  • The stability of structure for Ca0.85CuO2and BaCuO2 under high temperature, high pressure and high oxygen pressure was investigated.

    July 2004—August 2004

    Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior (ISEI), Okayama University Misasa, Japan.

    The in-situ electrical conductivity measurement of infinite-layer CaCuO2 with perovskite-like structure under high temperature and high pressure using Kawai-type 5000ton high-pressure apparatus was performed.

  • The abnormal pressure dependence of electrical resistance for infinite layer CaCuO2 at variant temperature was observed, and explained by the results of theoretical calculation.


        National Superconductivity Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  • Transport Properties of High temperature Superconductors Bi-based Tape. (Designed a set of measurement devices for large current and rotatable sample independently.)  

Publications:  http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-2543-2017

1.X. M. Qin, Q. Q. Liu, Y. Yu, Z. X. Bao, F. Y. Li, R.C Yu, J. Liu, C. Q. Jin, Structural and Electrical Properties of Infinite-layer CaCuO2 under High Pressure, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS 6 (7): 828-832 OCT 2005.

2. X.M. Qin, Q.Q. Liu, Y. Yu, L.X. Yang, J. Liu and C.Q. Jin, The High-Pressure Synthesis and In-situ Property of the Infinite-layer CaCuO2, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 426 (1): 510-514 OCT 2005.

3. X.M. Qin, Y. Yu, G.M. Zhang F.Y. Li, J. Liu and C.Q. Jin, High-pressure Structure Study of CuBa2Ca3Cu4O10+d Superconductor,MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B 19 (6): 313-316 MAR 2005

4. X.M. Qin, F. Wang, Y. Yu, F.Y. Li, R.C. Yu and C.Q. Jin, The Synthesis Of Infinite-layer CaCuO2 and Hypothetical P-type Doping with Na under High-pressure, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B 19 (1-3): 251-253 JAN 2005.

5.X.M. Qin, M. Hong, G..M. Zhang, W.J. Mai , F.Y. Li, R.C. Yu, J. Liu and C.Q. Jin, The Structural Stability of Infinite-Layer CaCuO2 under High PressureCHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 48 (12): 1201-1203 JUN 2003

6. Q.Q. Liu, H. Yang, X.M. Qin, L.X. Yang, F.Y. Li, Y. Yu, R.C. Yu, C.Q. Jin, S. Uchida, Correlation of superconductivity with the ordering state at the apical oxygen layer in the Sr2CuO3+superconductor, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 460-462(2007): 56-57

7. Q. Q. Liu, H. Yang, X. M. Qin, Y. Yu, L. X. Yang, F. Y. Li, R. C. Yu, and C. Q. Jin, Enhancement of the Superconducting Critical Temperature of Sr2CuO3+dup to 95K by Ordering Dopant Atoms,PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74 (10) ART. NO. 100506 SEP 2006

8. Q.Q. Liu, X.M. Qin, Y. Yu, F.Y. Li, C. Dong, C.Q. Jin, High pressure synthesis of a new superconductor Sr2CuO2+d Cl2-yinduced by apical oxygen doping”, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 420 (1-2): 23-29 MAR 2005

9. C.Q. Jin, X.M. Qin, K. Shimizu, M. Nishiyamaz, T. Namikiz and Y.Yu, The Enhanced Superconductivity of Cu-1234 under High Pressure, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B 19 (1-3): 335-337 JAN 2005

10. W.J. Mai, G. M. Zhang, X.M. Qin, L.C. Chen, F.Y. Li, R.C. Yu, J. Liu and C.Q. Jin, Structural phase transition of edge-sharing copper oxide Ca0.85CuO2 under high pressure, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 49 (9): 872-874 MAY 2004

11Q.Q. Liu, X.M. Qin, H. Yang, Y. Yu, F.Y. Li, C. Dong, R.C. Yu and C.Q. JinA new 0201-type Sr2CuO2+δCl2−y superconductor synthesized using “apical oxygen doping” methodPHYSICA C 460-462 (1): 58-59 SEPTEMBER 2007.

12. Amulele George M., Manghnani Murli H., Marriappan Sekar, Hong Xingguo, Li, Fengying, Qin, Xiaomei, Liermann, Hanns P.Compression behavior of WC and WC-6%Co up to 50 GPa determined by synchrotron x-ray diffraction and ultrasonic techniques, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 103(11): 113522-113522-6 JUNE 2008.

13. X.M. Qin, W.J. Mai, J.M. Li, F.Y. Li and C.Q. Jin, Fabrication and Stability of the Ca1-xCuO2 Chain Structure during High Pressure and High Temperature Sintering, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,493: 517–521 MARCH 2010.

14.Guo-Ping Du, Zhi-Juan Hu, Qi-Feng Han, Xiao-Mei Qin, Wang-Zhou Shi, Effects of niobium donor doping on the phase structures and magnetic properties of Fe-doped BaTiO3 ceramics, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 492(1-2): L79-L81 MARCH 2010.

15.Zhijuan Hu, ChunhuaWang, Guopin Du and Xiaomei Qin, Diffraction Properties of Ultrashort Pulsed Beams Generated from Local Volume Holographic Gratings with Arbitrary Boundaries, JOURNAL OF OPTICS. 12: 045401 MARCH 2010.

16.Guo-BingWang, Min-Gong Fu, Bin Lu Guo-Ping Du, Li Li, Xiao-Mei Qinand Wang-Zhou Shi, Growth of nanocrystalline TiO2 films by pulsed-laser-induced liquid-deposition method and preliminary applications for dye-sensitized solar cells, Appl Phys A 100: 1169–1176 (2010).

17. Li Li, Xiaomei Qin, Guobing Wang, Limin Qi, Guoping Du, Zhijuan HuSynthesis of Anatase Tio2 Nanowires by Modifying Tio2 Nanoparticles Using the Microwave Heating MethodAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 257:8006–8012 (2011).

18. Jiaming Li, Feifei Wang,Xiaomei Qin, Min Xu, Wangzhou Shi, Large electrostrictive strain in lead-free Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–BaTiO3–KNbO3 ceramicsAPPL PHYS A 104: 117–122 (2011).

19. Jiaming Li, Feifei Wang, Chung Ming Leung, Siu Wing Or, Yanxue Tang, Xinman Chen, Tao Wang, Xiaomei Qin, Wangzhou Shi, Large Strain Response in Acceptor- and donor-doped Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based lead-free ceramics, J MATER SCI, 46: 5702–5708 (2011).

20. Yujie Tang, Guobing Wang, Zhijuan Hu, Xiaomei Qin , Guoping Du, Wangzhou Shi, Preparation of n+ emitter on p-type silicon wafer using the spin-on doping method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 15:359–363 (2012).

21. Yin He , Yuanzhe Wang, Wang Li, Weizhi Han, Zhijuan Hu, Xiaomei Qin, Guoping Du, Wangzhou Shi, Optical properties and chemical bonding characteristics of amorphous SiNX:H thin films grown by the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition method, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358: 577582 (2012).

22. Limin Qi, Zhijuan Hu, Wang Li, Xiaomei Qin, Guoping Du, Weizhi Han, Wangzhou Shi, Influence of substrate on the growth of microcrystalline silicon thin films deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 15: 412–420 (2012).

23. LI XU, XIAOMEI QIN*, CHUANLEI WU, ENLONG CHEN, ZHIJUAN HU AND GUOPING DU, Preparation and Properties of Aluminum-doped ZnO–SiO2 Composite Thin Films, Integrated Ferroelectrics: An International Journal ,142 (1):16-23 (2013).

24. Chuanlei Wu, An Luo, Guoping Du*, Xiaomei Qin*, Wangzhou Shi, Synthesis and luminescent properties of nonaggregated YAG:Ce3+ phosphors via the molten salt synthesis method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 16(3) : 679-685 (2013) .

25.Yuanzhe Wang, Enlong Chen, Hongmei Lai, BinLub, Zhijuan Hu, Xiaomei Qin, Wangzhou Shi, Guoping Du*, Enhanced light scattering and photovoltaic performance for dye-sensitized solar cells by embedding submicronSiO2/TiO2 core/shell particles in photoanode, Ceramics International 39: 5407–5413(2013)

26. Enlong Chen, GuopingDu*, YuZhang, XiaomeiQin*, Hongmei Lai, WangzhouShi, RF-PECVD deposition and optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide thin films, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL40(7): 9791-9797(2014).

27.Dong Zhang, Weina Ren, Zhichao Zhu, Haifeng Zhang, Bo Liu, Wangzhou Shi1, Xiaomei Qin* and Chuanwei Cheng*, Highly-ordered silicon inverted nanocone arrays with broadband light antireflectance, Nanoscale Research Letters, 10:9:1-6 (2015).

28. Xia Hai-Liang, Qin Xiao-Mei*, Yang Jun-Ye, Yin Yun-Yu, Dai Jian-Hong, Shi Wang-Zhou, Long You-Wen, Magnetocaloric effect study of SrFe0.8Co0.2O3 single crystal prepared under high pressure, Chin. Phys. B, 24(5): 050701 (2015).

29. H. L. Xia,Y. Y. Yin, J. H. Dai, J. Y. Yang, X. M. Qin, and Y. W. Long*, Magnetism and magnetocaloric effect study of CaFe0.7Co0.3O3,Mater. Res. Express 2: 046103 (2015).

30. Haifeng Zhang, Dong Zhang, Xiaomei Qin, and Chuanwei Cheng*, Three-Dimensional CdS-Sensitized Sea Urchin Like TiO2Ordered Arrays as Efficient Photoelectrochemical Anodes,J. Phys. Chem. C119:2787527881(2015)

31. Yanxue Tang, Bing Zhu, Feifei Wang, Dazhi Sun, Zhijuan Hu, Xiaomei Qin, Wangzhou Shi, Dielectric and ferroelectric properties of (111) preferred oriented PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.62Ti0.38O3/PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 trilayered films, Applied Surface Science 371: 160–163 (2016)

Teaching Work

Teaching WORK:

Honor Reward

Honor Reward:

Director Scholarship of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2003).

Social Appointments

Social Appointments:

Member of Chinese Physical Society(CPS) & Shanghai Physical Society.

Reviewer of Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing.