

  • Gender:male
  • Appointment Post:Professor
  • Academic Credentials:
  • Tel:
  • Email:yexiang@shnu.edu.cn
  • Address:
  • Department:Physics
  • Degree:Ph.D.
  • Graduate School:Fudan
  • Office Location:10th Building, Guilin Road 100

Research Direction:


  • Ph.D. in Computational Physics                   Sep. 2002 ~ Jul. 2007

Fudan University

 Advised by Prof. Xingao Gong

Dissertation: Computational study of phase transition of nano systems under high pressure

  • B.S.in Physics                                                  Sep. 1998 ~ Jul. 2002

Fudan University

RESEARCH INTERESTS                                                         

  • Molecular simulation of nano materials

  • Development of high pressure simulation method

  • Simulation of biomolecular systems

  • Development of implicit solvent simulation method for biomoleculars

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE                                                               

Professor                                                          Sep. 2015 ~ Now

Department of Physics, Shanghai Normal University, China.

Associate Professor                                        Apr. 2010 ~ Aug. 2015

Department of Physics, Shanghai Normal University, China.

Postdoctoral Associate                                  Sep. 2007 ~ Nov.2009

In the group of Prof. Ray Luo, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of California Irvine, USA.

Visiting Scientist                                            Jun. 2007 ~ Jul. 2007

In the group of Prof. Karsten Albe, Department of Engineering, Darmstadt Technology University, Germany.

Research Assistant                                          Feb. 2005 ~ Aug. 2005

In the group of Prof. Zhi-feng Liu, Department of Chemistry, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Research Assistant                                          Sep. 2002 ~ Jul. 2007

Department of Physics, Fudan University, China.

Academic Achievement:

Teaching WORK:

Honor Reward:

Social Appointments: