  • 性别:
  • 职务:教授
  • 学历:研究生教育
  • 邮箱:dzgao@shnu.edu.cn
  • 部门:数理学院
  • 学位:理学博士学位
  • 毕业院校:迈阿密大学


在包括SIAM J Appl Math, J Nonlinear Sci, Proc Amer Math Soc, J Math Biol, Bull Math Biol, Math Biosci, Am J Trop Med Hyg, Theor Popul Biol, Sci Rep等学术期刊发表合作论文40余篇,撰写书章2篇,主编论文专辑2部。代表性研究课题包括:(1突发传播病传播与控制;2人口流动和行为变化对传染病扩散的影响;3)抗生素使用中的公地悲剧;(4)传染病治疗方案优化。

Refereed Publications

[1]Daozhou Gao*, Yuan Lou (2022), Total biomass of a single population in two-patch environments, Theoretical Population Biology, 146: 1-14.

[2] Daihai He, Sheikh Taslim Ali, Guihong Fan, Daozhou Gao, Haitao Song, Yijun Lou, Shi Zhao, Benjamin J. Cowling, Lewi Stone* (2022), Evaluation of effectiveness of global COVID-19 vaccination campaign, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 28(28): 1873-1876.

[3] Jie Hong, Zheng Zhao, Qing Su, Jiaqi Huang, Xi Chen, Jiaxu Le, Xiuliang Liu, Yi Hu, Daozhou Gao, Zhijie Zhang* (2022), Research advances in transmission dynamic models on hand, foot, and mouth disease, Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 43(6): 966-973 (in Chinese).

[4]Xiaotian Wu, Daozhou Gao, Zilong Song, Jianhong Wu* (2022), Modelling Trypanosoma cruzi-Trypanosoma rangeli co-infection and pathogenic effect on Chagas disease spread, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, https://doi.org/10.3934/dcdsb.2022110.

[5]Xiaoqing Lin, Yancong Xu*, Daozhou Gao, Guihong Fan (2022), Bifurcations and overexploitation in Rosenzweig-MacArthur model, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, https://doi.org/10.3934/dcdsb.2022094.

[6]Daozhou Gao*, Justin Munganga, P. van den Driessche, Lei Zhang (2022), Effects of asymptomatic infections on the spatial spread of infectious diseases, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82(3): 899-923.

[7]Shi Zhao*, Peihua Cao, Daozhou Gao, Zian Zhuang, Weiming Wang*, Jinjun Ran, Kai Wang, Lin Yang, Mohammad R. Einollahi, Yijun Lou, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2022), Modelling COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess ship using the public surveillance data, Infectious Disease Modelling, 7(2): 189-195.

[8]Xiaoyan Yuan, Yijun Lou, Daihai He, Jinliang Wang, Daozhou Gao* (2021), A Zika endemic model for the contribution of multiple transmission routes, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83: 111.

[9]Daozhou Gao*, Yuan Lou (2021), Impact of state-dependent dispersal on disease prevalence, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31:73.

[10]Shi Zhao*, Yu Zhao, Biao Tang, Daozhou Gao, Zihao Guo, Marc K. C. Chong, Salihu S. Musa. Yongli Cai, Weiming Wang, Daihai He*, Maggie H Wang (2021), Shrinkage in serial intervals across transmission generations of COVID-19, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 529: 110861.

[11]Daozhou Gao (2020), How does dispersal affect the infection size?, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(5): 2144-2169. SIAM Research Nuggets: The Impact of Human Mobility on Disease Spread.

[12]Xiulei Jin, Shuwan Jin, Daozhou Gao* (2020), Mathematical analysis of the Ross-Macdonald model with quarantine, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82: 47.

[13]Xianyun Chen, Daozhou Gao* (2020), Effects of travel frequency on the persistence of mosquito-borne diseases, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 25(12): 4677-4701.

[14]Shi Zhao, Daozhou Gao, Zian Zhuang, Marc K. C. Chong, Yongli Cai, Jinjun Ran, Peihua Cao, Kai Wang, Yijun Lou, Weiming Wang, Lin Yang, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020), Estimating the serial interval of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A statistical analysis using the public data in Hong Kong from January 16 to February 15, 2020, Frontiers in Physics, 8: 347.

[15]Daihai He*, Shi Zhao, Yingke Li, Peihua Cao, Daozhou Gao, Yijun Lou, Lin Yang* (2020), Comparing COVID-19 and the 1918-19 influenza pandemics in United Kingdom, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 98: 67-70.

[16]Yingke Li*, Shi Zhao, Yijun Lou, Daozhou Gao, Lin Yang, Daihai He* (2020), Epidemiological parameters and models of coronavirus disease 2019, Acta Physica Sinica, 69(9): 090202 (in Chinese).

[17]Salihu S. Musa, Daozhou Gao*,  Shi Zhao, Lin Yang, Yijun Lou, Daihai He* (2020), Mechanistic modeling  of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in the early phase  in Wuhan, China, with different isolation measures, Acta Mathematicae  Applicatae Sinica, 43(2): 350-364 (in Chinese).

[18]Jinjun Ran, Shi Zhao*, Zian Zhuang, Marc K. C. Chong, Yongli Cai, Peihua Cao, Kai Wang, Yijun Lou, Weiming Wang, Daozhou Gao, Lin Yang, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020), Quantifying the improvement in confirmation efficiency of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) during the early phase of outbreak in Hong Kong in 2020, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 96: 284-287.

[19]Shi Zhao*, Peihua Cao, Daozhou Gao, Zian Zhuang, Yongli Cai, Jinjun Ran, Marc K. C. Chong, Kai Wang, Yijun Lou, Weiming Wang*, Lin Yang, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020), Serial interval in the estimation of reproduction number of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) during the early outbreak, Journal of Travel Medicine, 27(3): taaa033.

[20]Shi Zhao*, Lewi Stone, Daozhou Gao, Salihu S. Musa, Marc K. C. Chong, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020), Imitation dynamics of taking infection prevention actions can assist mitigation of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Wuhan, China from 2019 to 2020, Annals of Translational Medicine, 8(7): 448.

[21]Shi Zhao*, Peihua Cao, Marc K. C. Chong, Daozhou Gao, Yijun Lou, Jinjun Ran, Kai Wang, Weiming Wang*, Lin Yang, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020), COVID-19 and gender-specific difference: Analysis of public surveillance data in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, from January 10 to February 15, 2020, Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 41(6): 750-751.

[22]Qianying Lin, Shi Zhao, Daozhou Gao, Yijun Lou, Shu Yang, Salihu S. Musa, Maggie H. Wang, Yongli Cai, Weiming Wang*, Lin Yang*, Daihai He* (2020), A conceptual model for the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China with individual reaction and governmental action, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 93: 211-216.

[23]Salihu S. Musa, Shi Zhao, Daozhou Gao, Qianying Lin, Gerardo Chowell, Daihai He* (2020), Mechanistic modelling of the large-scale Lassa fever epidemics in Nigeria from 2016 to 2019, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 493: 110209.

[24]Xiaotian Wu*, Daozhou Gao, Zilong Song, Jianhong Wu(2020), Modelling triatomine bug population and Trypanosoma rangeli transmission dynamics: Co-feeding, pathogenic effect and linkage with Chagas disease, Mathematical Biosciences, 324: 108326.

[25]Shi Zhao*, Zian Zhuang, Peihua Cao, Jinjun Ran, Daozhou Gao, Yijun Lou, Lin Yang, Yongli Cai, Weiming Wang*, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020) Quantifying the association between domestic travel and the exportation of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases from Wuhan, China in 2020: A correlational analysis, Journal of Travel Medicine, 27(2): taaa022.

[26]Shi Zhao*, Qianyin Lin, Jinjun Ran, Salihu S. Musa, Guangpu Yang, Weiming Wang, Yijun Lou, Daozhou Gao, Lin Yang, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020), Preliminary estimation of the basic reproduction number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China, from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven analysis in the early phase of the outbreak, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 92: 214-217.

[27]Shi Zhao*, Salihu S. Musa, Qianying Lin, Jinjun Ran, Guangpu Yang, Weiming Wang*, Yijun Lou, Lin Yang, Daozhou Gao, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang (2020), Estimating the unreported number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases in China in the first half of January 2020: A data-driven modelling analysis of the early outbreak, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9: 388.

[28]Daozhou Gao*, Chao-Ping Dong (2020), Fast diffusion inhibits disease outbreaks, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148(4): 1709-1722.

[29]Daozhou Gao, P. van den Driessche, Chris Cosner* (2019), Habitat fragmentation promotes malaria persistence, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 79(6-7): 2255–2280.

[30]Daozhou Gao (2019), Travel frequency and infectious diseases, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 79(4): 1581-1606. SIAM Research Nuggets: Model Indicates Travel Frequency Affects Disease Spread.

[31]Yijun Lou*, Kaihui Liu, Daihai He, Daozhou Gao, Shigui Ruan (2019), Modelling diapause in mosquito population growth, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 78(7): 2259-2288.

[32]J. Daniel Kelly*, Lee Worden, S. Rae Wannier, Nicole A. Hoff, Patrick Mukadi, Cyrus Sinai, Sarah Ackley, Xianyun Chen, Daozhou Gao, Bernice Selo, Mathais Mossoko, Emile Okitolonda-Wemakoy, Eugene T. Richardson, George W. Rutherford, Thomas M. Lietman, Jean Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, Anne W. Rimoin, Travis C. Porco (2019), Projections of Ebola outbreak size and duration with and without vaccine use in Équateur, Democratic Republic of Congo, as of May 27, 2018, PLoS ONE, 14(3): e0213190.

[33]Daihai He, Xueying Wang, Daozhou Gao, Jin Wang* (2018), Modeling the 2016-2017 Yemen cholera outbreak with the impact of limited medical resources, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 451: 80–85.

[34]Shi Zhao, Lewi Stone*, Daozhou Gao, Daihai He* (2018), Modelling the large-scale yellow fever outbreak in Luanda, Angola, and the impact of vaccination, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12 (1): e0006158.

[35]Chayu Yang, Xueying Wang, Daozhou Gao*, Jin Wang (2017), Impact of awareness programs on cholera dynamics: Two modeling approaches, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79(9): 2109–2131.

[36]Daozhou Gao,Thomas M. Lietman, Chao-Ping Dong, Travis C. Porco* (2017), Mass drug administration: the importance of synchrony, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 34(2): 241-260.

[37]Yijun Lou*, Li Liu, Daozhou Gao (2017), Modeling co-infection of Ixodes tick-borne pathogens, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 14 (5/6): 1301-1316.

[38]Daihai He, Daozhou Gao, Yijun Lou, Shi Zhao, Shigui Ruan* 2017, A comparison study of Zika virus outbreaks in French Polynesia, Colombia and the State of Bahia in Brazil, Scientific Reports, 7: 273.

[39]Daozhou Gao, Yijun Lou, Daihai He, Travis C. Porco, Yang Kuang, Gerardo Chowell, Shigui Ruan* (2016), Prevention and control of Zika as a mosquito-borne and sexually transmitted disease: A mathematical modeling analysis, Scientific Reports, 6: 28070.

[40]Daozhou Gao,Travis C. Porco*, Shigui Ruan (2016), Coinfection dynamics of two diseases in a single host population, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 442(1): 171-188.

[41]Wayne T. A. Enanoria, Lee Worden, Fengchen Liu, Daozhou Gao, Sarah Ackley, James Scott, Michael Deiner, Ernest Mwebaze, Wui Ip, Thomas M. Lietman, Travis C. Porco* (2015), Evaluating subcriticality during the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, PLoS ONE, 10(10): e0140651.

[42]Xueying Wang, Daozhou Gao*, Jin Wang (2015), Influence of human behavior on cholera dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences, 267: 41-52.

[43]Seth Blumberg, Lee Worden, Wayne Enanoria, Sarah Ackley, Michael Deiner, Fengchen Liu, Daozhou Gao, Tom Lietman, Travis Porco (2015), Assessing measles transmission in the United States following a large outbreak in California, PLoS Currents Outbreaks.

[44]Daozhou Gao,Thomas M. Lietman, Travis C. Porco* (2015), Antibiotic resistance as collateral damage: the tragedy of the commons in a two-disease setting, Mathematical Biosciences, 263: 121-132.

[45]M. Elizabeth Halloran, Alessandro Vespignani, Nita Bharti , Leora R. Feldstein, Kathy Alexander, Matthew Ferrari, Jeffrey Shaman, John M. Drake, Travis Porco, Joseph Eisenberg, Sara DeValle, Eric Lofgren, Samuel V. Scarpino, Marisa Eisenberg, Daozhou Gao, James M. Hyman, Stephen Eubank, Ira M. Longini Jr (2014), Ebola: Mobility data (letter to the editor), Science, 346: 433.

[46]Daozhou Gao, Abdou Amza, Baidou Nassirou, Boubacar Kadri, Nicholas Sippl-Swezey, Fengchen Liu, Sarah F. Ackley, Thomas M. Lietman, Travis C. Porco* (2014), Optimal seasonal timing of oral azithromycin for malaria, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 91: 936-942.

[47]Daozhou Gao, Yijun Lou, Shigui Ruan* (2014), A periodic Ross-Macdonald model in a patchy environment, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 19: 3133-3145.

[48]Daozhou Gao, Chris Cosner, Robert Stephen Cantrell, John C. Beier, Shigui Ruan* (2013), Modeling the spatial spread of Rift Valley fever in Egypt, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75: 523-542.

[49]Travis C. Porco, Daozhou Gao, James C. Scott, Eunha Shim, Wayne T. Enanoria, Alison P. Galvani, Thomas M. Lietman* (2012), When does overuse of antibiotics become a tragedy of the commons?, PLoS ONE, 7(12): e46505.

[50]Daozhou Gao, Shigui Ruan* (2012), A multipatch malaria model with logistic growth populations, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72: 819-841. SIAM Nuggets: The Math of Malaria.

[51]Jiang Jiang, Daozhou Gao, Donald L. DeAngelis* (2012), Towards a theory of ecotone resilience: Coastal vegetation on a salinity gradient, Theoretical Population Biology, 82: 29-37.

[52]Daozhou Gao, Shigui Ruan* (2011), An SIS patch model with variable transmission coefficients, Mathematical Biosciences, 232: 110-115.

[53]Daozhou Gao, Xing Liang (2007), A competition-diffusion system with a refuge,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 8: 435-454.

Book Chapters

[1]Bruce Pell, Javier Baez, Tin Phan, Daozhou Gao, Gerardo Chowell, Yang Kuang* (2016), Patch models of EVD transmission dynamics, in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases, G. Chowell, M. Hyman eds., Springer, 147-167.

[2]Daozhou Gao, Shigui Ruan (2014), Malaria models with spatial effects, in Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases, D. Chen, B. Moulin, J. Wu, eds., John Wiley & Sons., Chapter 6, 109-136.

Textbook Co-edited  

[1]Daozhou Gao, An introduction to ordinary differential equations in Advanced Mathematics for Liberal Arts (in Chinese), Jizhou Zhang, Zhaoxiang Li, Daozhou Gao, Xinsheng Lu, Eds., Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, Chapter 6, 210-242, 2021.

Proceedings Co-edited

[1]Special Issue on Modeling the Biological, Epidemiological, Immunological, Molecular, Virological Aspects of COVID-19, Daozhou Gao and Daihai He, Eds., Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020.

[2]Special Issue on the Workshop on Current Topics in Mathematical Biology, Daozhou Gao, Shigui Ruan and Jifa Jiang, Eds., Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol 14, No 5/6, 2017.


  • [1] Daihai He,高道舟,Yijun Lou,Shi Zhao,Shigui Ruan. A comparison study of Zika virus outbreaks in French Polynesia, Colombia and the State of Bahia in Brazil. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017,2017(7):273.
  • [2] Yijun Lou,高道舟,Li Liu. Modeling co-infection of Ixodes tick-borne pathogens. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING,2017,14(5/6):1301-1316.
  • [3] 高道舟,Thomas M. Lietman,Chao-Ping Dong,Travis C. Porco. Mass drug administration: the importance of synchrony. MATHEMATICAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY-A JOURNAL OF THE IMA,2017,34(2):241-260.
  • [4] Chayu Yang,高道舟,Xueying Wang,Jin Wang. Impact of awareness programs on cholera dynamics: Two modeling approaches. BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY,2017,79(9):2109–2131,DOI1001007/s11538-017-0322-1.
  • [5] 高道舟,Travis C. Porco,Shigui Ruan. Coinfection dynamics of two diseases in a single host population. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2016,442(1):171–188.
  • [6] 高道舟,Yijun Lou,Daihai He,Travis C. Porco,Yang Kuang,Gerardo Chowell,Shigui Ruan. Prevention and control of Zika as a mosquito-borne and sexually transmitted disease: A mathematical modeling analysis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6(x):28070.
  • [7] Daihai He,高道舟,Xueying Wang,Jin Wang. Modeling the 2016-2017 Yemen cholera outbreak with the impact of limited medical resources. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY,2018,451(1):80-85.
  • [8] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Lewi Stone. Modelling the large-scale yellow fever outbreak in Luanda, Angola, and the impact of vaccination. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases,2018,12(1):e0006158.
  • [9] 高道舟,Pauline van den Driessche,Chris Cosner. Habitat fragmentation promotes malaria persistence. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY,2019,79(6-7):2255-2280.
  • [10] 高道舟. Travel frequency and infectious diseases. SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2019,79(4):1581-1606.
  • [11] Yijun Lou,高道舟,Kaihui Liu,Daihai He,Shigui Ruan. Modelling diapause in mosquito population growth. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY,2019,78(7):2259-2288.
  • [12] J. Daniel Kelly,高道舟,Lee Worden,S. Rae Wannier,Nicole A. Hoff,Patrick Mukadi,Cyrus Sinai,Sarah Ackley,Xianyun Chen,Bernice Selo,Mathais Mossoko,Emile Okitolonda-Wemakoy,Eugene T. Richardson,George W. Rutherford,Thomas M. Lietman,Jean Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum,Anne W. Rimoin,Travis C. Porco. Projections of Ebola outbreak size and duration with and without vaccine use in Équateur, Democratic Republic of Congo, as of May 27, 2018. PLoS One,2019,14(3):e0213190.
  • [13] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Peihua Cao,Yijun Lou,Jinjun Ran,Kai Wang,Weiming Wang,Lin Yang,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang,Marc K.C. Chong. COVID-19 and gender-specific difference: Analysis of public surveillance data in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, from January 10 to February 15, 2020. INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY,2020,41(6):750-751.
  • [14] Xiulei Jin,高道舟,Shuwan Jin. Mathematical analysis of the Ross-Macdonald model with quarantine. BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY,2020,82(47):47.
  • [15] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Lewi Stone,Salihu S. Musa,Marc K. C. Chong,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang. Imitation dynamics of taking infection prevention actions can assist mitigation of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Wuhan, China from 2019 to 2020. Annals of Translational Medicine,2020,8(7):448.
  • [16] 高道舟. How does dispersal affect the infection size?. SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2020,80(5):2144-2169.
  • [17] 高道舟,Shi Zhao,Zian Zhuang, Marc K. C. Chong,Yongli Cai,Jinjun Ran,Peihua Cao,Kai Wang,Yijun Lou,Weiming Wang,Lin Yang,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang. Estimating the serial interval of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A statistical analysis using the public data in Hong Kong from January 16 to February 15, 2020. Frontiers in Physics,2020,8(347):1-7.
  • [18] Jinjun Ran,高道舟,Shi Zhao,Zian Zhuang,Marc K.C. Chong,Yongli Cai,Peihua Cao,Kai Wang,Yijun Lou,Weiming Wang,Lin Yang,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang. Quantifying the improvement in confirmation efficiency of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) during the early phase of outbreak in Hong Kong in 2020. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2020,96(2020):284-287.
  • [19] 高道舟,董超平. Fast diffusion inhibits disease outbreaks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY,2020,148(4):1709-1722.
  • [20] Daihai He,高道舟,Shi Zhao,Yingke Li,Peihua Cao,Yijun Lou,Lin Yang. Comparing COVID-19 and the 1918-19 influenza pandemics in United Kingdom. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2020,98(2020):67-70.
  • [21] 李盈科,高道舟,赵时,楼一均,杨琳,何岱海. 新冠冠状病毒肺炎的流行病学参数与模型. 物理学报,2020,69(9):090202.
  • [22] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Zian Zhuang,Peihua Cao,Jinjun Ran,Yijun Lou,Lin Yang,Yongli Cai,Weiming Wang,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang. Quantifying the association between domestic travel and the exportation of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases from Wuhan, China in 2020: A correlational analysis. JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE,2020,27(2):taaa022.
  • [23] Salihu S. Musa,高道舟,赵时,杨琳,楼一均,何岱海. 不同隔离措施对中国武汉市早期阶段的新型冠状病毒传播影响的机理建模研究. 应用数学学报,2020,43(2):350-364.
  • [24] Salihu S. Musa,高道舟,Shi Zhao,Qianying Lin,Gerardo Chowell,Daihai He. Mechanistic modelling of the large-scale Lassa fever epidemics in Nigeria from 2016 to 2019. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY,2020,493(2020):110209.
  • [25] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Peihua Cao,Zian Zhuang,Yongli Cai,Jinjun Ran,Marc K. C. Chong,Kai Wang,Yijun Lou,Weiming Wang,Lin Yang,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang. Serial interval in the estimation of reproduction number of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) during the early outbreak. JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE,2020,27(3):taaa033.
  • [26] Qianying Lin,高道舟,Shi Zhao,Yijun Lou,Shu Yang,Salihu S. Musa,Maggie H. Wang,Yongli Cai,Weiming Wang,Lin Yang,Daihai He. A conceptual model for the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China with individual reaction and governmental action. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2020,93(2020):211-216.
  • [27] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Salihu S. Musa,Qianying Lin,Jinjun Ran,Guangpu Yang,Weiming Wang,Yijun Lou,Lin Yang,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang. Estimating the unreported number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases in China in the first half of January 2020: A data-driven modelling analysis of the early outbreak. Journal of Clinical Medicine,2020,9(0):388.
  • [28] Xiaotian Wu,高道舟,Zilong Song,Jianhong Wu. Modelling triatomine bug population and Trypanosoma rangeli transmission dynamics: Co-feeding, pathogenic effect and linkage with Chagas disease. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES,2020,324(0):108326.
  • [29] Xianyun Chen,高道舟. Effects of travel frequency on the persistence of mosquito-borne diseases. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B,2020,25(12):4677-4701.
  • [30] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Qianyin Lin,Jinjun Ran,Salihu S. Musa,Guangpu Yang,Weiming Wang,Yijun Lou,Lin Yang,Daihai He,Maggie H. Wang. Preliminary estimation of the basic reproduction number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China, from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven analysis in the early phase of the outbreak. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2020,92(2020):214-217.
  • [31] 温家洪,高道舟,李仙德,廉洁. 上海及其他重点省市疫情形势与趋势判断. 研究与咨询报告,2020.
  • [32] 高道舟,Yuan Lou. Impact of state-dependent dispersal on disease prevalence. JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE,2021,31(7):73.
  • [33] Xiaoyan Yuan,高道舟,Yijun Lou,Daihai He,Jinliang Wang. A Zika endemic model for the contribution of multiple transmission routes. BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY,2021,83(9):111.
  • [34] Shi Zhao,高道舟,Yu Zhao,Biao Tang,Zihao Guo,Marc K.C. Chong,Salihu S Musa,Yongli Cai,Weiming Wang,Daihai He,Maggie H Wang. Shrinkage in serial intervals across transmission generations of COVID-19. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY,2021,529(11):110861.
  • [1] 高道舟.国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目):行为变化、旅途感染及边境检疫对传染病空间传播的影响,结题.







Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering


Acta Biotheoretica, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Applied Mathematics and Computation, BMC Infectious Diseases, BMC Medicine, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Infectious Disease Modelling, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, International Journal of Biomathematics, Journal of Biological Dynamics, Journal of Biological Systems, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Differential Equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Mathematical Population Studies, Mathematical Reviews, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Open Mathematics, PeerJ–The Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLoS ONE, Preventive Medicine, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, Royal Society Open Science, Scientific Reports, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, Theoretical Population Biology, Transfusion.


WHO Research and Development (R&D) Blueprint Diseases Prioritization Methodological Review Meeting, November 17-18, 2016


1. Minisymposium: Structured Population Models for Disease Transmission Dynamics, SMB 2019 Annual Meeting, University of Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 21-26, 2019 (co-organized with P. van den Driessche and J. Wu)

2. The Third Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology, Shanghai Normal University,  Shanghai, China, November  3-5, 2017 (co-organized with H. Shu and X. Wu)

3. Workshop    on Current Topics in Mathematical Biology, Shanghai Normal   University,  Shanghai, China, December 18-20, 2015 (co-organized with  J.  Jiang and S. Ruan).